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The Best Botox® in Virginia Beach

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Hidration offers a great selection of Botox® services suited perfectly for you.

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woman after botox hidration IV

What Areas Can We Treat?

Botox Treatment


Glabellar lines between the eyebrows, also known as the “11’s”. Even the deepest creases can be significantly improved with only one treatment. This area frequently requires 14-18 units of Botox®. *Individual results may vary.

woman before and after glabellar botox

II's (Glabellar Lines)

woman before and after glabellar botox


woman before and after botox

Crow's Feet

woman before and after botox

Botox® FAQ's

How Does Botox Work?

Botox® is derived from botulinum toxin type A. These are the same bacteria that can cause botulism, but these bacteria have been used in medicine since the 1950s. Scientists discovered that when botulinum toxin was injected in tiny amounts into a muscle, it temporarily stopped the muscle from contracting.  The FDA first approved Botox® for treating involuntary eyelid spasms, though its benefits have been approved for treating temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) to excessive underarm sweating, and even migraines. Botox® was approved for cosmetic use in treating lines and wrinkles on the upper third of the face in 2002, and every year since then Botox® injections have been the most popular cosmetic procedure, both surgical and nonsurgical, around the world.

​When Botox® is injected into a muscle, it blocks the nerve messenger acetylcholine, from delivering the contraction message to the muscle. The muscle never receives the signal,

so it remains at rest.


On the expressive upper third of the face, we constantly engage the muscles around our eyes, between the brows, and on the forehead when we make expressions such frowning or showing surprise. Over time we form hundreds of thousands of these contractions, plus our skin gradually gets thinner. This thinning allows wrinkles and lines to form on the surface skin above the muscle. These are glabellar lines (the 11s) between our eyebrows, lines our foreheads, and crow’s feet between our eyes and temples. These common areas have what are known as “dynamic wrinkles.” When Botox® is injected into the muscle forming any of these wrinkles it prevents the muscle from contracting, and the wrinkle on the surface skin is effectively erased.


Do Botox® Injections Hurt?
Botox® is injected with a very fine needle, and it is not inserted to great depth. Most people equate the feeling of those injections to that of a pinprick, and they don't feel the need to have any topical cream. We have topical numbing cream available upon request.

How Long Do Botox® Injections Take?
Botox® takes just 10-15 minutes for these injections.
Afterwards, you can go right back to work or other normal activities.

When Can I Expect to See My Wrinkles Go Away After Botox®?
Botox® isn’t like dermal fillers that immediately fill in the wrinkle. Botox® must get to work blocking the nerve messages. This process usually takes about ten days to fully take effect. Afterwards, Botox® will keep the muscle relaxed and the wrinkles remain gone for about three months. Depending on your metabolism, your body will eventually absorb the Botox® and the muscles will begin to contract again, and the wrinkles will slowly return. Another Botox® session will maintain your results.

What Are the Side Effects with Botox®?

Botox® has been injected millions of times around the globe and it has proven to be an effective and very popular treatment. The main side effects are slight redness, swelling, and possible itching at the injection sites. This resolves in a few hours. Occasionally, patients may develop a slight headache for a few hours after their Botox® session, but this also passes in a few hours.


Preparing for a Botox® Session

There is no preparation necessary for these 10-15 minute appointments. It is important, however, that you do not rub your injection sites for 24 hours after Botox is injected. This may force the Botox® into an unwanted muscle.

*Botox has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The material on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. Always consult your physician before beginning any treatment or therapy program. 

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